Tales of your adventures
The Mighty Roar

Read about previous volunteers experiences

Volunteering over the summer in Ghana

I spent summer 2023 volunteering in Ghana on the childcare and medical programmes and the experience was something words cannot truly describe. The people of Busua were some of the friendliest I have ever met and the programmes were so insightful and rewarding. The past month has taught me more than school ever did, I am going home knowing I definitely see things differently now.

Katie's story

Volunteering in Sri Lanka at 17 years old

In April I spent two weeks volunteering in the turtle conservation program in Sri Lanka. At only 17 I was terrified to travel so far on my own, but it ended up being some of the best few weeks of my life! Sri Lanka as a country is incredible - the people are so friendly, the lifestyle is very relaxed and the food is amazing! The mighty roar team in Sri Lanka could not have been more welcoming, anything we needed help organising would be sorted straight away. This experience was a trip of a lifetime for me and hopefully I will go back one day!

Holly 's story

Bali has affected my life more than I could imagine

I spent two weeks in Kefalonia, a greek island in the ionian sea, where I learned a lot about marine conservation, made amazing friends and saw some baby turtles hatch! Travelling and volunteering in Greece was a dream come true and I would absolutely recommend this programme to anyone thinking about it.

Valter's story

Helping at an ethical sanctuary in Thailand

I’ve always wanted to see elephants up close so I made sure I did my research to make sure I was picking a 100% ethical sanctuary. That’s why I chose to volunteer with The Mighty Roar at the elephant sanctuary in Thailand. It’s an amazing feeling knowing you can be so close to elephants and know that you’re helping them not and harming them! I am forever thankful to the local team for saving these animals and everything they do for them.

Sasha's story

An unforgettable time teaching in the slum schools in India

I wanted to express my gratitude for the incredible opportunity to volunteer with The Mighty Roar in Jaipur in February 2023. My experience was truly enriching and unforgettable. Teaching at the slum school and spending time with children during the afternoons was a heartwarming experience. Thank you once again for this incredible opportunity.

Mahesh's story

University medical placement in India

Hear all about my travels and hospital volunteer placement in India as part of my university placement. I would 100% recommend this trip to future volunteers and to anyone considering doing this programme. It was honestly one of the best experiences of my life!

Karissa's story

Our life changing family trip to Sri Lanka

After some health issues at the beginning of the year we decided to do something incredible in the summer with the kids and I’m so grateful we found The Mighty Roar! I have three children aged 13, 10 and 7 and this trip has been life changing to say the least.

Sarah's story

Medical volunteering in Ghana

I travelled and volunteered in Ghana towards the end of 2022 and absolutely loved my time there. Although I had no medical experience or qualifications, I was able to observe and assist in practical ways and the hospital staff were very welcoming and friendly.

Sohpie's story

Sea turtles & childcare in Sri Lanka

I volunteered in Sri Lanka for four weeks, split between the sea turtle and childcare programmes. Everything was really well organised and I had the most enjoyable time and met some amazing people along the way.

Freddie's story

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