Provide Love & Care To
Over 250
Dogs In Romania

This is your chance to make a real difference

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  • Duration
    1-12 Weeks
  • Minimum age
  • Start dates
    1st & 3rd Monday
  • From
  • Duration
    1-12 Weeks
  • Minimum age
  • Start dates
    1st & 3rd Monday
  • From

Romania Dog Sanctuary

We need dog-lovers like you to help care for over 250 rescued dogs in Romania, providing them with the love and attention they need after a troubled life on the streets. You will spend your days surrounded by animals at a shelter which aims to care, feed and rehabilitate rescued dogs and cats before they are adopted and sent to their forever homes.

You will join a friendly and passionate team to help with essential tasks such as grooming, training, vaccinations and deworming as well as participating in long-term projects such as spaying campaigns and educating the local community. You can also get involved with some DIY and gardening activities, to help provide the nicest possible environment for these dogs who have never known what it is like to have a home.

Outside of volunteering there is plenty of time to explore the beautiful surroundings or just relax with the dogs at the shelter, enjoying the picturesque scenery along the banks of the river Danube and experiencing the warm Romanian culture in a friendly village setting.

This hands-on role requires only a genuine love for dogs and a willingness to get stuck in! 

Helping Dogs In Romania

If you are looking for a hands on and worthwhile project, then come and help on the Romania Dog Sanctuary! The local team were so welcoming and went above and beyond hosting me, taking us on trips and more! The dogs were the cutest things ever and need so much attention, I cannot wait to go back!... Read More

Ana StaffJune 2024

Background to the sanctuary

Romania has faced many challenges in the past century, particularly during the rise of communism from 1947 - 1989. During this time, the plight of dogs has also worsened. With an increase of widespread urbanisation and industrialisation, many families were forced to leave their homes and move to small city apartments, sadly having to leave their pets behind. Over the years these abandoned dogs have multiplied, the extent of which can still be seen today.

It is estimated that over half a million cats and dogs live on the streets across Romania, more than in any other European country. The dogs and cats that roam the streets do not often live beyond the age of 3 or 4 as without the correct nutrients and medicines they become at risk of disease, injury, car accidents or pushed out and attacked by other dogs.

Although the situation is improving, these animals now face other threats such as illegal dog catchers or inhumane shelter conditions. On top of this, many stray dogs are treated with violence by members of the public or previous owners, leaving them with both mental and physical trauma. Because of this so many dogs desperately need love, patience and care to rehabilitate them and give them a second chance at life.

This is your chance to be part of a programme that aims to dramatically improve the lives of abused and abandoned dogs and cats in Romania and tackle the issues of the stray animal population crisis. You will help care for the 250 dogs that call the shelter home, providing love, affection and rehabilitation for the vulnerable, with the aim to help each dog grow strong and happy before they join their new family.

Your support is vital to sustaining the care and efforts dedicated to these dogs and your funds and assistance will be crucial to ensuring the team can continue to rescue and rehabilitate animals in need.

Where will I be volunteering?

After witnessing the dire living conditions of the street dogs in the area, a local dog-lover decided to devote some of her time to helping them. She began by feeding stray dogs on the street every day however after realising just how many dogs were ill, mistreated and lacking food she began to take the vulnerable in and care for them. She decided to open a shelter and is now known by many in the local area as the ‘Dog whisperer’ due to her patience and care taken with every one of the rescued dogs.

The shelter is now home to over 250 dogs as well as a small amount of rescued cats. Although the team provides a high level of care at the shelter, their aim is to eventually rehome each dog so they can receive the affection and love they deserve. The shelter collaborates with a UK charity adoption center, working to rehome each dog to a suitable family.

Based in a small village on the banks of the river Danube, this is your chance to experience the warmth of Romanian culture and enjoy the scenic countryside views - a tranquil setting for both you and the dogs! The shelter is split into two locations in the village. The accommodation is based next to the smaller shelter. This is home to around 60 dogs including puppies, smaller dogs, those ready for adoption, a small group of cats and vulnerable dogs requiring extra care.

The larger shelter is 5 minutes away and home to around 200 dogs. You will spend your time at both locations and also get the chance to join rescues and spay campaigns at certain points throughout the year.

The busy shelter is operated by 4 local team members and volunteers like yourself are critical to keeping the shelter going and helping them on their mission to rescue, rehabilitate and sterilise street dogs throughout the area.

What is my role?

This is an exciting opportunity to get a hands on look behind the scenes at a busy dog shelter. Be prepared to get your hands dirty as you help care for the 250+ animals that have been rescued and prepare them both physically and mentally in the lead up to their adoption. General activities will include cleaning enclosures, feeding, walking, playing games, training the dogs to walk on a lead, and most importantly giving every dog as much love and affection as possible. Many of the dogs arrive at the shelter with previous trauma, so you may be needed to work with the team to help build their confidence and trust in humans again.

You will also need to help care for the few cats that live at the shelter by cleaning enclosures, feeding them and of course giving them the love and affection they have been missing.

To help find the perfect home for each dog you will need to help with getting them ready for adoption. This will include naming, writing descriptions, taking photos, creating advertisement posts for social media, helping with tests and grooming them before they are ready to go.

Aside from caring for the animals, your help will also be needed to care for the home they live in. This may include gardening, some DIY and helping with construction and renovations for this growing shelter.

At certain times of the year you can also help the team with their spaying campaigns and rescues.

If you're currently studying a related course at university or are a qualified professional, you will get the exceptional opportunity to gain individual practical experience. Under close supervision and guidance, you will be able to partake in various animal care activities including rehabilitation, vaccinations, in-clinic and field wound care, parasite treatments, sterilisations and other surgical procedures.

The team appreciates any skills you have so this really is the chance to get stuck in and make a real difference.

What will a typical day look like?

You will generally be volunteering Monday - Friday between 10AM and 4PM, however, the local team are flexible if you would like to help out more. Occasionally you may be required to help with weekend duties or late night care for rehabilitated or particularly vulnerable animals.

Your duties will vary from day to day and as you will be working with over 250 dogs, you can be assured that no day will be the same! Although your tasks will vary, an example of a typical day will look like this:

10AM: Cleaning enclosures, topping up water and food bowls, playing and walking the dogs at the shelter.
12PM: Lunch with the local team
1PM: Training the dogs, caring for vulnerable or unwell dogs, helping with construction work, helping with adoption admin.
3PM: Cleaning enclosures and checking water and food bowls
4PM onwards: Free time to relax and enjoy the local areas.

You will have weekends off to do as you please. The local team can arrange an array of excursions in the local area including, boat trips, fishing, hiking, visiting hot springs, visiting local museums, churches and much more!

Where will I be staying?

While volunteering in Romania you will be staying in a friendly village, surrounded by farmland, mountains and the river Danube. This is your chance to live life like a local and learn more about the authentic Romania culture. The volunteer accommodation is based on-site next to the smaller shelter, meaning you will be surrounded by dogs 24/7, allowing plenty of time for cuddles.

Although the village is very rural, the local town is just 30 minutes drive away. There is a small shop within walking distance and plenty of space to relax, go for walks or just enjoy the views.

Other things to consider

Veterinary Students / Qualified Professionals - If you're currently studying a related course at university or are a qualified professional, you will be able to partake in various animal care activities including rehabilitation, vaccinations, in-clinic and field wound care, parasite treatments, sterilisations and other surgical procedures under the supervision of the vet and local team.