Volunteer with amazing
wildlife in

Meet friendly people from all around the world

I volunteered at the elephant and rhino sanctuary in Zimbabwe during mid march 2020 and was supposed to spend 2 weeks there, however due to the covid-19 outbreak had to cut it short and consequently spent just 1 week. I arrived in Harare on the Sunday and spent a night in a hotel before getting collected from the airport on the Monday afternoon by one of the drivers from Imire where I met up with 5 other volunteers and drove the roughly 2 hour drive up to the reservation.

"Overall I think everybody will be able gain something from going on a trip like this no matter what your age or interests are."

After meeting up and getting to know everybody who was already volunteering, people from across the globe, the first full day involved an early start before heading over to meet and engage with the elephants, conduct a snare sweep for signs of poachers and then visit the local school and meet some of the teachers and children there. 

Each day is incredibly full and you’ll be amazed with how much you are able to get out of it, you’ll see some amazing wildlife ranging from Zebra, Giraffe and Elephants to name just a few and come back with a greater understanding of their habitat and some incredible photo’s.

Arguably one of the best aspects about a trip like this is the people and relationships you meet and build. During my stay there were people from the US, France, Sweden and all across the world, all with interesting stories and travel experiences and I found everyone to be friendly, interesting and enthusiastic.

The accommodation is clean and fairly well kept, the electricity sometimes went out however there was a back up generator on hand just in case. In regards to all the staff and guides they are the friendliest people you will ever meet, everybody is eager and passionate about what they do with an incredible span on knowledge for the local wildlife, animals and community. The cooks prepare fresh meals daily, tea, coffee and everything you could need.

Overall I think everybody will be able gain something from going on a trip like this no matter what your age or interests are, I would recommend it to everybody.

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