A unique and rewarding
experience in

A once in a lifetime experience that I will cherish forever

After being unsuccessful in an application to my first choice university last winter, I took the rejection not as an end of a journey but as the beginning of another. With my original plan looking less likely, it prompted me to consider what I really wanted from my life, and after two intense years of a-levels, an immediate transition to an academically rigorous degree was not something I wanted to do. 

"The Mighty Roar came with the best reviews and a well organised and structured programme"

Travelling the world has always been a dream of mine, but having never been away from home for longer than a week, uprooting my life for two months on the other side of the world seemed something completely infeasible for me. However, after speaking to a friend about their experiences travelling the world, I decided to take a huge risk and begin my adventure. 

The Mighty Roar came with the best reviews and a well organised and structured programme, which reassured both me and my parents I would be well looked after on my first journey abroad alone. 

Bali seemed the obvious choice, the country itself is beautiful and the beaches are out of this world. I met other volunteers from all over the world and have made lifelong friends along the way, who made my weekends away exploring Bali so much fun. 

However, I didn’t expect to love the volunteering quite as much as I did. The children are the loveliest young people I’ve had the privilege of interacting with. The local team are kind and attentive, and the general village is full of friendly locals who are all too happy to lend you a helping hand should you need it. Special shout out to the taxi drivers, the drives were always entertaining, and they went to great lengths to ensure we got to see everything we wanted to whilst in Bali. Therefore, despite some incredible Bali memories, from the Gili Islands to Nusa Penida, Canggu to Ubud, my highlight has to be the time spent within the local community. 

From seeing the sunrise with the fishermen, to taking part in the local ceremony, my time in Tianyar has been a unique and rewarding experience I will cherish for the rest of my life. I have never really believed the phrase “everything happens for a reason”, but I truly believe my university plans falling through opened up the door for a once in a lifetime experience. 

Thank you, the Mighty Roar. I will be forever grateful.

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Volunteer and explore Bali

Go off the beaten road and teach in Bali

Bali Volunteer Projects